Spice Up Your Breakfast With Turkey Bacon!

Whether you plan to eat it alongside breakfast or add it to a BLT sandwich for lunch. Spice up your morning spread with Turkey bacon from Mclean Meats.

Compared to regular pork bacon, our all-natural turkey bacon is almost twice as protein-rich and contains 75% less fat. This makes it the ideal choice for anyone following a high-protein diet or trying to cut back on their fat intake. Get the real deal for the highest nutritional value. Seek our Turkey bacon Canada variants prepared from premium parts of drum and thigh meat instead of the poultry that has been artificially separated and used by most manufacturers. Remember, the simplicity of a well-prepared turkey bacon dish is exquisite. Just a hint of real wood smoke flavour would do; chemical additions are not necessary for it to taste fantastic.

Turkey bacon can be used to lend a rapid burst of flavorful, crispy texture to a variety of foods. Add a couple of slices to sandwiches, crumble it over salads, and of course, have it for breakfast any day of the week. We use no toxic pesticides, no genetically modified plants or seeds, and continue to treat the land and our pollinators healthily! We promise your happiness 100 per cent and stand by our superior products. Turkey Strips bacon is so good and comes to your door cold, you can be sure they'll make any breakfast taste better.

Carefully smoked on hardwood chips to provide a taste and aroma reminiscent of real bacon. With 50% less fat, our turkey bacon Canada delivers 100% taste.

For additional information regarding Turkey bacon please continue browsing our website at mcleanmeats.com.


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